Smoothie Recipe : Banana, Walnut, Almond Milk Smoothie


Looking for something cold to drink after your workout or bike ride with the family why not make a smoothie ! They are easy to make at home you just need to have some fresh fruit, possibly a yogurt and some milk. After my workouts I love to make a Banana Walnut Almond Smoothie. It tastes a lot like banana bread and how can you go wrong with that !

Banana Walnut Almond Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 banana
  • 8-10 walnuts
  • 1/2 cup of Almond Milk
  • 10-15 cubes of Ice


  • In a blender, add a peeled banana, a handful of almonds, 1/2 cup of Almond milk and the ice cubes. Blend and Process until smooth and serve.

You could also add a vanilla yogurt in this to add to the taste.

Another variation I do without the nuts is
Banana, Yogurt, Almond Milk Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 banana
  • 1 small vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 cup of Almond Milk
  • 10-15 cubes of Ice


  • In a blender, add a peeled banana, vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of Almond milk and the ice cubes. Blend and Process until smooth and serve.
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  1. […] Smoothie Recipe : Banana, Walnut, Almond Milk Smoothie is a post from: Taste for Cooking […]

  2. My two absolutely favutrioe – tried and true recipes:1) WATERMELON BANANA AND COCONUT MILK! (and ice)I don’t go by a recipe – just add in the ingredients to taste. some people like more banana – I prefer less to let the watermelon and subtle coconut taste shine. 2)If you like beets, this is a great one. I make half of this in the juicer and then blend with other ingredients. I juice a beet and a little bit of lemon. then add in the blender with ice and frozen raspberries. I like this one to be a bit thicker and I usually serve it as a smoothie or a sorbet. delicious!


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