Little Debbie Turns 50


Little Debbie turns 50 in 2010.  This brand continues to be America’s #1 selling snack cake.  Little Debbie, whose picture is often featured on products, was a real little girl and the granddaughter of O.D. and Ruth McKee, the founders of McKee Foods, a family bakery. Little Debbie, now Debbie McKee-Fowler, is an executive with McKee Foods.

In celebration, the company is giving away 2 coach trips to any AirTran airways destination, 2 nights at a Holiday Inn Hotel, 2-day weekend car rental with Avis and a $200 cash card.  Enter the Great American Getaway! Click to enter the Great American Getaway

Fun Facts:

  • More than 150 billion Little Debbie snacks have been sold since the brand was introduced in 1960. If you placed those all those snacks end-to-end, they would circle the Earth more than 380 times. That would cover enough miles to travel to the moon and back close to 20 times!
  • Little Debbie, whose picture is often featured on products, was a real little girl and the granddaughter of O.D. and Ruth McKee, the founders of McKee Foods, a family bakery. Little Debbie, now Debbie McKee-Fowler, is an executive with McKee Foods.
  • The Little Debbie brand is quite popular in social media, with more than 510,000 Facebook fans and more than 4,500 followers on Twitter.
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