Classic Icebox Cake Recipe – Easy and Delicious


Classic Icebox Cake Recipe – Easy and Delicious

It’s that time of year again – the birthday of our BBQ guy – and his favorite childhood cake is the Icebox cake made with the Famous chocolate wafers. If you like cookies and cream ice cream – this is the cake for you !

Making an ice box cake is so easy – just watch and see! Perfect dessert in hot or cold weather – Chocolate Whipped Cream Icebox Cake

This is what you will need:

2-3 packages of the Famous Chocolate Wafers
3 cups Heavy Whipping cream
1 tablespoon of Vanilla
3 tablespoons of Powdered Sugar

Cocoa powder to dust on

ingredients-for-icebox-cake icebox-cakecookiestack iceboxcake

In a large bowl mix together the 3 cups Heavy Whipping cream, 1 tablespoon of Vanilla and 3 tablespoons of Powdered Sugar. Mix with a hand mixer for about 7-9 minutes at a medium speed till the mixture turns fluffy. On a plate put the first layers of Chocolate wafers, side by side or in a round circle (decide what shape cake you would like). Spoon 1 tablespoon of the whipped cream mixture over each cookie then top it with another layer of cookies. Repeat this for about 5 to 7 layers of the cake. Apply the remaining whipped cream to the outside layers of the cookie like frosting. We dusted the outside of the Cake with cocoa (optional step) – Then refrigerate the cake for at least 2 hours – the longer the better because it allows the cake to mold together better. Serve and Enjoy !

icebox-cupcakesFor an easy variation we made little icebox cupcakes for the kids – but they still need to sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour or it makes quite a mess when you try to eat it.

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  1. […] Classic Icebox Cake Recipe – Easy and Delicious It’s that time of year again – the birthday of… […]


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