Easy Brie Cup Appetizer


One of my favorite appetizers is baked Brie. The combination of the golden flaky crust with the subtle hints of brie and just the right hint of fruit is just perfect.  The only downside is the calories.  We found a great to cut the calories and still have great taste an Easy Brie Cup Appetizer.  Just use phyllo cups in place of the croissant or bread.


  • Phyllo cups (frozen food section over by the pie shells and breakfast food)
  • One 4 ounce Brie Wheel
  • Fruit topping or marmalade of your choice

Cut brie into small slices to fit into cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 3 to 5 minutes until melted, and top with grapes, strawberries or your favorite jam.

We had tons of mangos around the house so we made a homemade mango marmalade.

Ingredients for Mango Marmalade:

  • water
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • half a mango

Just take a cup and a half of mango, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar and juice from half of a lime.  Dice the mango into small squares and heat over medium high heat with the other ingredients for 5 minutes stirring frequently.  Use a fork or  potato masher to break down the mango pieces.

Note:  The 4 ounce Brie is enough for 2 boxes of phyllo cups, so a total of 24 cups.

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